Convening the meeting of the Commission for the approval of collective management organizations of copyright and/or related patrimonial rights
Pursuant to the provisions of art. 4 par. (1) lit. h), art. 48 of Law no. 139/2010 on copyright and related rights, art. 7 par. (2) lit. s) of Law no. 114/2014 regarding the State Agency for Intellectual Property, taking into account the provisions of art. 67 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Moldova no. 116/2018, on 20.01.2022, at 10.;00a.m., is convened the meeting of the Commission for the approval of collective management organizations of copyright and/or related patrimonial rights of the State Agency for Intellectual Property, created based on the Order of the General Director no. 234-1 of 29.12.2015, with subsequent amendments.Agenda: Examination of application no. 4759 of 23.12.2021 of the MORA on issuing the permit to act as a collective management organization for the following categories of rights: copyright and related and for the following categories of holders: authors, performers